Pay as you grow
We like to keep things simple. $9.00 per website per month. No hidden fees.
Start building sites now for FREE. Pay when you're ready to publish.
No credit card required.
Hundreds of sections
Achieve maximum productivity with minimum effort with ready-to-go HTML sections.
Fully featured CMS
Build online shop, blog, real estate, portfolio, booking or just a simple business website.
Frequently asked questions
How long does the free trail last?
Free trial is not time limited. However, when you are ready to publish your first website free trail will end.
What does published website means?
Published website means that it can be accessible from your custom domain and not from subdomain (
Is the domain included?
No. Domain is not included in our plans. You need to purchase it from domain providers and point it to our servers.
What is your refund policy?
We offer refunds. We aim high at being focused on building relationships with our clients. Please read more about our refund policy on Terms of Service page.
How do you count published websites?
You will not be charged for draft websites. Only for published.
Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime no questions are asked while you cancel but we would highly appreciate if you will give us some feedback.